Thursday, July 2, 2009

Proximity……...Go far!!!!

- My mom admitted me in a school two streets away from my home just because it was closer.

- I went to a college just because it was well within my home town.

- All my close friends were sitting in the same desk of mine.

- My favorite spot to spend time is the park in the next street.

Knowingly or unknowingly we always prefer the ones which have the proximity factor. We easily get glued to the closest available thing and abstain ourselves from going further. Opting for the nearest available stuff will make us claustrophobic and cease us in a small circle. We will never have the courage to glance beyond the boundary we opted for and will be left with fewer options in life to choose from.

Succumbing to proximity while making a decision makes one to opt for a weaker choise rather than the most challenging.

Looking beyond the closest available option and exploring many things which are far and far away fetches the best.
