Monday, November 23, 2009

Imagination is soul’s eye.

Every soul has an eye complementary to what the body has.

Yes, the two in the body is the real and the third which is in the soul is imaginative or inspired. The third eye which associates itself to inner self gets stirred from desire/motivation.

The soul’s eye imagines and foresees the future in the way what our heart desires it to be. Imagining excellence brings in hope and detonates the fear from the mind. At the same it diffuses our mind in the present scenario and makes the mind inactive at times were it has to work actively. Also, soul’s eye dismantles the focus which has to be laid on the present to realize the desired future.
Putting off the third eye completely also dampens the spirit especially if the road ahead is thorny and complex as we can only see the toughness ahead with our imagination clogged.

A perfect balance has to be struck between these two breeds of eye and it is tricky and even gruesome at times.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Proximity……...Go far!!!!

- My mom admitted me in a school two streets away from my home just because it was closer.

- I went to a college just because it was well within my home town.

- All my close friends were sitting in the same desk of mine.

- My favorite spot to spend time is the park in the next street.

Knowingly or unknowingly we always prefer the ones which have the proximity factor. We easily get glued to the closest available thing and abstain ourselves from going further. Opting for the nearest available stuff will make us claustrophobic and cease us in a small circle. We will never have the courage to glance beyond the boundary we opted for and will be left with fewer options in life to choose from.

Succumbing to proximity while making a decision makes one to opt for a weaker choise rather than the most challenging.

Looking beyond the closest available option and exploring many things which are far and far away fetches the best.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rephrase within...

My dad yelled at me for keeping my room untidy.
My manager screwed me with tight deadlines.

Now rephrase the above sentences

My dad emphasized the importance of tidiness
My manger was so patient to explain me the tight timelines of the project.

Sounds, much assuring right?

Rephrase what ever hard happens to you and find the lighter side of it. Rephrasing also increases your optimism towards life. What ever happens in life has a purpose. If anything bitter happens to you, rephrase the whole context in your mind and explore the other meaning of the incident.

People deprived of sight are natural rephrasers. Their intelligence quotient out smarts average people is an accepted fact. They have this striking capability of rephrasing their weakness to strengths by diverting all their focus in one channel.

To rephrase events is one effective technique of pulling yourself when the chips are down and when the odds are against you. So, jus do it…and feel the difference

~ Siddharth

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Mindlessness of Mindset….

Let me put my thoughts on a programming language (for the first time though)…definitely not the ones which we put to use for our bread earning. This is called the NLP or the Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Consider the scene below:
Place: Seated in dining table with my parents and dinner ready to be served.
Mom: Sid, can u bring the salt from the kitchen.
Me: Don’t know where it is. (Replying as fast as a reflex action)
Mom: Go and get it (stern voice…Dad gives a dubious look at me)
Me: Ok…Going (hesitantly)
At the kitchen,
Me: Mom …Mom I couldn’t find the salt here…where the hell you have kept
What next, as usual..
Mom comes to the kitchen and shows me the salt right under my nose.

I believe all of you had a situation akin to this in your life. Did I lie from the kitchen just to get my Mom to the kitchen….definitely not. Then how I could not find the salt which was right in front of my eyes.
The answer lies in the program to which my mind is tuned...Yes programming our mind to a frame. When I replied to my mom that I don’t where the salt is, I sent down a signal to my brain depicting the frame that I could not see the salt. This sets my mind to a particular frame (don't know where the salt is) and brain further refuses to accept the reality of me seeing the salt.
Yeah....that powerful is our brain when you set it to a frame .
This emphasis the importance of having a positive mindset before venturing into new things. Make sure that you are in positive frame of mind and send out right signals to your brain otherwise it will ditch you as bad as it could just like it ditched me while I went to bring the salt.

~ Siddharth

Oh GOD...I came to you

First time Iam trying anything of this sort...... so plz...

Oh God, I came to You begging
carrying my ill fated happening
with pain in my heart growing
broke down to you crying

Oh God, I came to You begging
when life seems to be very grilling
with thoughts in my mind perplexing
and the purpose of living mystifying

Oh God, I came to You begging
with the hope of You resolving
wish You shower your blessing
and add a much longed meaning

to all the happening….
Oh God, I came to You begging.

~ Siddharth

Let it be Sarkar or Raj…India will Sail!!!

Dated: 15 Nov, 2008
The recent incidents of driving non-Marathi people by MNS workers from Maharashtra served as a dessert with icing on its top for all the TV news channels which went on conducting post-mortems on the issue followed by innumerable discussions leading to fear among many of its viewers and raising a question. “Are Indians becoming more and more intolerable to their fellow state mates largely because of regionalism and intolerance…..Are we going to cripple as a country altogether ?”
Israeli –Palestinian conflict and Sri Lanka’s civil war are the top two conflicts in the world pertaining to regionalist divides among people which makes headlines and large number of civilian causalities in the past three decades and continues to do so posing great challenges to humanity and making permanent scars in the world map which every one would love to wipe off.
The basis of both the issue is people belonging to two different culture (Jews - Palestinians in the first case & Singhalese – Tamil in the second) could not co-exist in one common land largely because of the cultural and linguistic divide resulting in people from one community (universally its the majorities) forcing their identity -language/religion- into others (the minorities) or the primitive methodology of majorities oppressing the minorities largely due to hatred, intolerance and sense of ownership towards their land. Time and again this has resulted in minorities resorting to fighting with arms for their rights and land.
The crux of both the issues is very similar to the nucleus of different Metros in India where people from less opportunistic regions with different culture, language, religion and backgrounds come to bigger cities and live towards their livelihood and dream. The challenge here lies in magnanimity/solidarity of the host and contemplation of the visitors towards the hosts. Always, it’s a win-win situation leading to prosperity for both the parties. Though the sense of regionalism had cropped at few situations hampering the image, largely Indian metros have reaped the benefits for being strong-willed when comes to co-existence of different communities and have mutual admiration.
Living in a deeply diverse city like Bangalore where the every other person you see speaks a language which you don’t own and has his/her upbringing culture very different from yours and sharing my apartment with Telugu, Marathi and Hindi speaking guys its no make-believe that we co-exist with absolute harmony and sanctity.
In the current conflict, fingers were pointed towards two culpable entities for the whole controversy. First, Raj Takrey for his cheap politics and the second being the Congress govt for being soft on Raj which would project him as a savior of Marathi people and this image would cut into Siva Sena and BJP votes, the congress main oppositions in the state. Both, equally disgusting and unpardonable.

It’s very evident that innumerable communities continues to co-exist in India particularly in Metros burying all the differences under one flag is still predominant and will continue for generations to come. Iam pretty sure that we will withstand both the inefficacy of the Central/State sarkars or malicious acts of people like Raj Takrey, simply because the country’s entire fundamental ideology of existence is based on this Unity in Diversity.

~ Siddharth