Monday, February 23, 2009

The Mindlessness of Mindset….

Let me put my thoughts on a programming language (for the first time though)…definitely not the ones which we put to use for our bread earning. This is called the NLP or the Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Consider the scene below:
Place: Seated in dining table with my parents and dinner ready to be served.
Mom: Sid, can u bring the salt from the kitchen.
Me: Don’t know where it is. (Replying as fast as a reflex action)
Mom: Go and get it (stern voice…Dad gives a dubious look at me)
Me: Ok…Going (hesitantly)
At the kitchen,
Me: Mom …Mom I couldn’t find the salt here…where the hell you have kept
What next, as usual..
Mom comes to the kitchen and shows me the salt right under my nose.

I believe all of you had a situation akin to this in your life. Did I lie from the kitchen just to get my Mom to the kitchen….definitely not. Then how I could not find the salt which was right in front of my eyes.
The answer lies in the program to which my mind is tuned...Yes programming our mind to a frame. When I replied to my mom that I don’t where the salt is, I sent down a signal to my brain depicting the frame that I could not see the salt. This sets my mind to a particular frame (don't know where the salt is) and brain further refuses to accept the reality of me seeing the salt.
Yeah....that powerful is our brain when you set it to a frame .
This emphasis the importance of having a positive mindset before venturing into new things. Make sure that you are in positive frame of mind and send out right signals to your brain otherwise it will ditch you as bad as it could just like it ditched me while I went to bring the salt.

~ Siddharth


Satish N said...

quite an interesting thought ... and I seriously liked this post of your. Good one.

Tam said...

Good one.

But can you tell me why people forget things when they are in Love???

iwatch said...

dai superb da...
keep writing ...nice article